
uk manufacturing
Due to their unique chemical structure and properties, silicone based coatings (SBCs) can be a formidable solution for imparting flame retardancy to various textile substrates. With increasingly stringent safety standards that must be complied with, the significant increase in demand for safer textiles offering enhanced flame retardancy can be seen in multiple industries. This is...
Additives are an essential part of coating applications for many manufacturing processes and end products. If added to a formulation, a solvent can manipulate properties to provide a ‘customised’ coating solution. This action results in additional functionality that many alternative coating technologies cannot match in terms of manufacturing capabilities or the specific performance properties of...
Nitrile adhesives, also known as acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) adhesives, are widely used in various industrial adhesive bonding processes due to their unique properties and capabilities. Nitriles offer several advantages that make them suitable for challenging environmental conditions where other polymer based adhesive formulations might fail. Let’s take a brief look at these performance properties and...
Sustainable development concept - set of cog wheels with a plantlet.
Question: can bio-based adhesives and coatings provide the same high performance as conventional formulations for “greener” application solutions? The environmental challenge Increased pressure from environmental groups, recent natural disasters, and increased environmental awareness has pushed climate change further up the agenda as a major global concern for governments, businesses and the public across the world. ...
Abstract image of coating application particles as if seen under a microscope. Orange and red.
Great chemistry for your coating application needs For ITAC, great chemistry isn’t just about the our coating application formulation expertise. It’s also about the relationships we have with our customers as we support them to achieve their internal and external business objectives. Whether it be at the initial concept and design stage, or when taking...
Adhesive glue manufacturing. Male and female worker using roller machine.
Since its first use by ancient Maya civilisations, rubber is still an essential polymer for hundreds of everyday products including vehicle tyres, footwear, clothing, sports equipment and kitchen appliances. It is also critical to many industrial and commercial applications such as electrical insulation, PPE, seals and gaskets, hydraulics, rubber drive belts, roof coatings and-yes, you’ve...
Development chemists performing tensile test
High performance adhesives and coatings since 1902. 2022 marks the 120th year since John Markus founded ITAC Limited.  The beginning of Itac started when John discovered that tyre scrapings dissolved in solvent made an excellent rubber adhesive, which when painted onto the outside carcass of a tyre provided an ideal priming coat on which tyre...
Blue conveyor belt carrying cardboard cartons.
Specialist adhesives consist of a variety of chemistries and come in a range of forms to suit specific requirements. Choosing the right adhesive formulation for a particular problem or application involves careful consideration of a number of factors. These include: Bonding properties of the adhesive The application and substrate type Application methods and production requirements...
Colourful pigment powders
Specialist coatings play a critical role in satisfying the requirements of an ever-increasing number of industrial and commercial products and systems. The coating’s end application and intended use determines the effects it should impart in order to provide the desired performance. This clearly has a direct influence on their formulation design. Therefore, for specialist coatings...
Slow motion splash of a colourful coating material
Welcome to part two of our summary of adhesive coating testing methods used at ITAC. We explained in part one that the tests we perform and results we provide are a critical element of our work. These enable our customers to choose the best adhesive or coating system for a specific application, and to help...